Advertising in the magazine

We always welcome suitable Adverts in Match Label News, and can offer two options :

  1. Display Advert, with text and graphics. A full-page advert costs £ 30 and a half-page advert costs £ 18
  2. Small Advert, with text only. This is charged at 10p per word with a minimum charge of £ 1.50

Any member of the Society can submit an Advert, using the on-line form below.

We look forward to receiving your Adverts. If you would like to advertise on our web site then please click here, or if you have a question use

Paying for your Advert

The Editor will advise the necessary payment amount. Once payment has been received the Advert will be scheduled for inclusion in our magazine, although we cannot guarantee which issue it will appear in. There is a discount of 20% for repeat advertisements.

Payment can be made in three ways :

  • by PayPal, which is our preferred method
  • by cheque, made payable to BML&BS and forwarded to the Editor. Payments must be in pounds sterling (GBP)
  • by cash, in pounds sterling (GBP) and only at a society meeting 

Inclusion in any MLN issue is to be decided by the Editor or as agreed by the Society Committee. However, payment will be refunded if you feel that the Society cannot meet your specific requirements. Each published Advert contains a code which denotes the last MLN issue that the Advert has been paid to be displayed. This is to assist Advertisers, Officials and members of the status of each Advert.

The Society cannot accept any responsibility for the content of any advertisement, and cannot accept any responsibility either practically or financially for any dispute arising between an advertiser and advertisee. 

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