Browse and Buy
As a service to members we offer items for sale from our Shop. These include:
- Back issues of the Society magazine “Match Label News”. These cost £ 3.50 each plus postage.
- Cordex Binders with the Society logo on the spine and a black cover, to hold up to 12 copies of the Society magazine. The binders cost £ 5.25 each plus postage. They are available to purchase at our meetings, which will save the postage cost.
- Peelable Hinges in a pack holding 1000, to mount matchbox labels. These packs are £ 1.50 each plus postage. They are available to purchase at our meetings, which will save the postage cost.
- Books and Catalogues related to the hobby. Click here for the Bookshop.

If you would like to buy any of these items please complete the Order Form below. We will calculate the postage and let you know the total bill.
If you have any questions please contact us on