The North Western Phillumenists


The club was founded in 1974 to promote the hobby of matchbox label and bookmatch collecting in the North West. During the past years the club has continued to grow.


Membership is open to all, from beginners to long standing collectors. On joining members will receive a membership list with members addresses and details of their collections. This helps correspondence and exchange between members with similar interests.


The club meets every two months at various venues in the area. At these meetings members can exchange items and also buy from the club pool. News and views are exchanged and a short talk is given on some aspect of the hobby.


Bimonthly, alternating with the meetings the Bulletin is sent to members, keeping them in touch with the hobby, particularly in this area. The club is associated to the British Matchbox Label and Booklet Society and with other clubs throughout the world.


If you are a collector, whether your collection is large or small, you will benefit from joining the North Western Phillumenists – the local club with international connections. All you need to do is to fill in the bottom half of this form and return it with your subscription to the Secretary.


Non collectors may wish to know that members will appraise old items or collections, and are willing to give talks on the hobby to interested groups.


NWP Details and application form


If you have an enquiry about membership of North Western Phillumenists please contact



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Copyright © 2005-08 North Western Phillumenists. All rights reserved. - Page updated: 09/12/08